Comprehensive information system on accessibility for the disabled
Client: Porta Posnania - ICHOT
Our work: set of icons, accessibility maps, accessibility maps for visually impaired people, information in space
Time frame: 2019
Porta Posnania - ICHOT is the most modern cultural complex in Poznań dealing with the history of Ostrów Tumski. Our task was to improve and describe communication between the disabled and the institution, as well as to increase the legibility of signs. To this end, we conducted lively and fruitful consultations not only with the ICHOT accessibility team, but also with the foundation dealing with the adaptation of space for the disabled. As a result of joint discussions, we designed a set of icons and maps of the space - we abandoned the redundant elements and simplified the plans. All this was done in order to emphasize the adaptation of the Porta Posnania to the needs of the disabled and elderly.
Our proposed set of icons consists of eighteen contrasting graphic signs informing, among others, about the possibility of using an induction loop, typographical plans or a carrier. The one that stands out is the one that signals the glass footbridges leading to the exposition - it was created for people suffering from height anxiety. Our tasks also included marking lifts for people in wheelchairs and resting places needed by older visitors in particular.
We presented space maps in two colour versions - green and yellow (contrasting). When selecting the shades, we had in mind visually impaired people as well as those suffering from daltonism. The necessary information was presented in a simple and legible form, so that everyone could understand it. Both variants of the maps are available in print and electronic form on the Porta Posnania - ICHOT website.
in the category INNOVATIONS
"Poznan available - 2019"
We feel extremely honoured because we have contributed to CKT Trakt receiving an award in the Poznań Available competition. The received Złota Ryczka for the system of information about the accessibility of the Porta Posnania testifies to our sensitivity to the problems of the disabled and elderly people, our readiness to help and the fully implemented assumptions.
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Kompleksowy system informacji o dostępności
Klient: Brama Poznania ICHOT
Wykonano: zestaw ikon, mapy dostępności, mapy dostępności dostosowane do osób niedowidzących, informacja w przestrzeni
Rok: 2019
The graphic design was deeply embedded in the context of the artistic creation of the Middle Ages, taking into account the individual character of each individual thematic group. In order to emphasize the division, even more, each category was assigned a different color. We also created promotional materials in the form of sound animations, posters, and invitations.
YOS Studio also made one-of-a-kind installations to make the exhibition space more attractive visually. One of such objects was stained glass-work that was created using fluorescent paints and UV light. We also made installations objects that allowed for the interaction with the viewers. It was, among others a philosophical circle with rotating segments, created on the basis of iconographic information about the work of Hildegard of Bingen.
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